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Prefect's Commitment to Open Source: Launching Our Sponsorship Initiative

September 27, 2024
Chris White

The Heart of Our Mission

At Prefect, open source isn't just a part of our strategy—it's at the core of who we are. Today, we're excited to announce a significant step in our ongoing commitment to the open source community: the launch of our Open Source Sponsorship Initiative.

Our Pledge: $40,000 Annually

We're committing $40,000 per year to support the brilliant minds behind the tools and libraries that power not just Prefect, but countless other projects and companies worldwide. This translates to approximately $2,000 per developer at Prefect, aligning with and inspired by Sentry's Open Source Pledge initiative.

Choosing Our Beneficiaries

Our selection process is guided by a simple principle: support the projects that support us and our community. We've focused on:

  1. Projects integral to Prefect's ecosystem
  2. Tools that have shaped our development practices
  3. Libraries fundamental to the Python landscape

Meet Our Sponsored Projects and Maintainers

We're proud to support the following projects and individuals:

  1. Vue.js [GitHub]
  2. FastAPI [GitHub] / Typer [GitHub]
  3. Suse [GitHub]
  4. Pydantic [GitHub]
  5. SQLAlchemy [GitHub]
  6. Encode
  7. pytest [GitHub]
  8. Jinja [GitHub]
  9. pre-commit [GitHub]
  10. PyO3 [GitHub]
  11. Pendulum [GitHub]

The Impact of Our Initiative

By supporting these projects, we're not just giving back—we're investing in the future of open source. This initiative will:

  1. Provide financial support to maintainers
  2. Encourage the continual development of critical tools
  3. Strengthen the broader Python and open source ecosystems

Looking Ahead

This is just the beginning. As Prefect grows, so will our commitment to open source. We plan to:

  • Increase our sponsorship budget as our team expands
  • Regularly review and adjust our sponsorships
  • Explore new ways to contribute to the open source community

Join Us in Supporting Open Source

We encourage other companies to join us in this endeavor. Whether through financial contributions, dedicating developer time, or other resources, every bit of support helps sustain the open source ecosystem we all rely on.

Passionate about open source and want to be part of our mission? We're hiring!

Thank you to all the maintainers and contributors who make the open source world thrive. Your work inspires and enables us every day.